Who would the book appeal to?
I think this book would appeal to anyone I think. I dont think anyone under the age of 16 should read it because it uses some very big vocabulary and i dont think it would make sense to them as it would to older teens and young adults. I think anyone that has experienced a father that has left and came back multiple times should read this maybe they would learn something from it or something.
What about it is appealing?
I thinkk it is appealing because the author keeps in all his feelings and doesnt really tell his dad how he feels. I am real amazed that at the beginning of the book he tells us that his father had nothing to do with him writing the book and it was after his grandma passed when he started to write it. As of right now i cant really see his grandma being a big part of his life. the only time we hear about her is when their father leaves most of the time they end up at her house.
What obstacles should student readers of this book be ready for?
The emotion the author uses when he is talking about his father and the importance of his mother.
What would students need to know about in order to understand the book?
Students should know what the feeling of living in the south was like. how living with no money at all was like and how living with a father that leaves whenever he wants and doesnt come back months or even years latr and when he is with you he is a total drunk.
What issues does the book deal with that students might be interested in discussing?
Realising how poor they are. Also you should be interested in the way his mother deals with all of this. She takes care of three boys they know they cant always get what you want and you should also know she works all the time just to try to feed them.
Is there any “mature” content in the book? If so, what kind of content? How would you deal with such content in class?
there is alot of physical abuse with the father beating his mother. a lot of mental abuse with the father leaving all the time. Just make sure you know who the author is talking about sometimes it jumps around and you can get confused but if you know who he is talking about you should get the content.
Analyzing Adaptations
10 years ago
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